Remy on the Tray

Duration: March 2022 - May 2022
Role: Design Lead
Team: Lindsey Grant (Director)
Project Overview
Working as the Students’ Voice Lead at Development and Alumni Relations Office, I am in charge of designing the graduation gift for Harvard GSD 2022 graduates. Working on this for two months, this gift was sent to over 1000 graduates.
1) Brainstorming and sketches
2) Design and iterations
3) Pick the suitable tumbler to print
4) Contact the producer and distribution


I wanted to design a long-lasting and valuable gift for GSD students, keeping the memory with Remy and their graduate life.

This is the best graduation gift I have ever receiced!
A GSD student
With great joy
You did such a great job and this is an amazing gift!

Design is impactful

I love designing since it can bring happiness and great memories to people.